The Procedure for Getting Dental Crowns at Mountainview Dental Centre

If you're dealing with a damaged or weakened tooth, a dental crown can restore its function and appearance. At Mountainview Dental Centre in Rocky Mountain House, we provide expert care throughout the entire crown procedure, from consultation to final placement, ensuring the best results for your smile.

Initial Consultation

If a crown is required, your dentist will discuss it at your initial appointment while assessing your dental condition. This entails the patient’s X-rays and talking to him or her regarding the plan of action.

Tooth Preparation

Reducing the size of a tooth to accommodate the crown is also an aspect that will have to be made on the receiving tooth. Sometimes, it is impossible to have a clean crown area due to the destruction of a considerable portion of the tooth; therefore, your dentist at Rocky Mountain House may use filling material to reconstruct the tooth to provide the crown.

Impressions and Temporary Crown

To ensure that the crown fits properly, your dentist will take an impression of the prepared tooth and the bordering teeth. While waiting for a permanent crown to be made, the dentist will temporarily cement a crown to the tooth.

Permanent Crown Placement

On your second appointment to your dentist, the temporary crown will be removed and the permanent crown will be cemented. Your dentist will examine this fit and can modify it, if necessary, to give the device a comfortable feel while offering the proper support.


If you need dental crowns in Rocky Mountain House, Mountainview Dental Centre offers expert care for a smooth and effective procedure. Contact us today to restore your smile!

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Mountainview Dental Centre

At Mountainview Dental Centre, we provide general and emergency medical services for the whole family. It is done by getting to know each patient personally, we develop a better understanding of your habits, habits, and any health issues you may face. Our patients must be accepted and comfortable in our practice. Our staff is always happy to answer your questions, attend to your needs, and ensure your seamless experience.